

This client had never been treated with neurotoxins. The first photo (top) is prior to any treatment. The middle photo is three months later, after the Xeomin had worn off. Notice how she has less wrinkles and movement. Treated with a similar dose and 3 months later, the bottom photo demonstrated the clear improvement in the texture of her skin over time. This is a great demonstration how Botox or Xeomin can be used to prevent wrinkles!

The Beauty of Neuromodulators: Transforming Your Skin with Botox or Xeomin

Neuromodulators, like Botox, Xeomin, & Dysport, improve your skin texture and appearance by reducing dynamic facial wrinkles with little to no downtime! Read below for Botox benefits! Introduction: Hi Friends! Welcome to our blog, where we aim to provide you with the latest information on enhancing achieving healthy, radiant skin and satisfying sex lives. We […]

The Beauty of Neuromodulators: Transforming Your Skin with Botox or Xeomin Read More »

A common misconception about botox or other neuromodulators (Botox)

A common misconception about botox or other neuromodulators, is “once I start it, I will need it forever”. This is true of Rogaine and Testosterone therapy, but not botox!  Here’s the truth: neuromodulators, like Botox, Xeomin, & Dysport act like a blanket on the muscles, preventing them from receiving the message to contract. Over time,

A common misconception about botox or other neuromodulators (Botox) Read More »