Before and after images showing the reduction of forehead wrinkles with Botox treatment. The ‘before’ image displays prominent forehead lines, while the ‘after’ image shows a smooth, wrinkle-free forehead with visibly reduced lines.

Why Is It Your Botox Dose Changes With Different Providers?

Have you ever wondered why your Botox dose changes when you see different providers? This is called Botox dose variance. Let’s look at why this happens.

In the realm of cosmetic procedures, you might notice that your Botox dose changes among different providers or injectors. This Botox dose variance can seem puzzling, but there are reasons for it. Let’s decode this variance, which is due to factors such as injectable techniques, desired outcomes, and different Botox (or neuromodulator) brands.

Everyone Is Unique

Every Provider Is Unique

Every provider has their own way of doing things. This is because of their training, how they like to use the scientific process, and their idea of what looks good. This can change the amount of Botox they choose to use. Be careful! In some states there are loose rules about who may administer injections.

Your Face Is Unique

Providers have to look at your face and decide where and how much Botox to use. Since everyone’s face is different, this can change the amount of Botox used. If your face is bigger, stronger, more sun damaged, and more wrinkly than your friend, you will need more Botox to get similar results.

Before and after Botox or Xeomin injections. Above photo shows a young female with brown hair animating her face in a frown. Her eyebrows are creating a dimple. In the after photo below, the young lady makes the same expression without movement of the face or dimpling.

What You Want Can Change Your Dose

Your Goals

What you want to achieve with Botox can change how much your provider uses. If you want a big change, they might use more. If you want a small change, they might use less. Some clients prefer a more “stiff” look, where others prefer a bit of movement for a more natural look.

Maintenance or Fixing a Problem

Why you want Botox can also change the dose. If you are using Botox to stop wrinkles from forming, the dose might be lower. If you are using Botox to get rid of wrinkles you already have, the dose might be higher.

Before and after Botox or Xeomin injections. Above photo shows a young female with blonde hair animating her face in a frown. Her eyebrows are creating "11" lines. In the after photo below, the young lady makes the same expression without movement of the face.

Not All Botox Is The Same

Even though we call it all Botox, there are different kinds or brands of “Botox”. A few more common include Botox, Xeomin, and Dysport. The makers of these products made the units different for some so it wouldn’t be like comparing apples to apples. Botox and Xeomin are often dosed similarly, but a Dysport unit x3 = a Botox or Xeomin unit. Different kinds need different amounts, so this can also change your dose.

Brown background with small cream bowl containing two insulin syringes and a vial with a white label and in blue writing "incobotulinumtoxinA XEOMIN" is written. It is the "clean tox" and is used like Botox. Botox and Xeomin have similar dosing.

Why It’s Normal That Your Dose Changes

Even though it might seem strange, it’s normal that your Botox dose changes with different providers. This is because every person is different, and what works for one person might not work for another. It’s important to discuss your goals and previous experiences with your provider. If you have any questions, our CEO Deborah Daniels would love to give you a free consultation. She is excellent at listening to your concerns and helping you prioritize your treatments based upon your budget! You can also learn more at New You Health or click in Insights to read more blog posts about skin, sex, and other stuff!