
A common misconception about botox or other neuromodulators (Botox)

A common misconception about botox or other neuromodulators, is “once I start it, I will need it forever”. This is true of Rogaine and Testosterone therapy, but not botox! 

Here’s the truth: neuromodulators, like Botox, Xeomin, & Dysport act like a blanket on the muscles, preventing them from receiving the message to contract. Over time, the muscles atrophy, or weaken. Theoretically, if you get injections regularly enough, the dose could reduce, however, you continue to age and create more wrinkles, so this is not necessarily true for everyone. Also, we don’t necessarily want complete atrophy of the muscles as this too, can give the appearance of aging. 

Here is an example of one of my favorite faces! 

This beauty has been coming to me regularly, every 3 months, for 9 months. These are all before photos. See how her wrinkles are reducing over time? 

We used similar doses, with 90+/- 7 days apart.